Life-Giving Wounds Online Retreat

Fall 2024

The Life-Giving Wounds online healing retreat is a unique and powerful opportunity for adult children of divorce or separation (ACODs) to deeply reflect on the wounds caused by their family’s breakdown, and find healing alongside other peers who truly understand this pain. (See here for specific topics covered.)

Read more about our unique approach to retreats here.

Click here for speakers and topics discussed on the retreat.

“But if we have died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with Him.”

Romans 6:8

The “path” of the retreat follows a Paschal journey through first the pain, “death,” of their parents’ divorce or separation by uncovering and grieving various layers of the wound, then the deep joy, “rising,” of accepting their deepest identity as a beloved child of God and becoming more aware of Christ in their lives and wounds, then to discovering a way forward, “going forth,” to sustain healing & a mission in the midst of their suffering.

Learn more about the Retreat

  • Seven Wednesday evenings, 8:15-10:00 p.m. EST, from October 2 to November 13, 2024. *Plus a new BONUS 8th Session: Visio Divina on Thursday, November 7, 8:15-9:15 p.m. EST.

    See full schedule, speakers, and topics here.

  • Over Zoom (password-protectedlink shared with attendees prior to the retreat), and potentially an in-person meet-up with other attendees local to you. (We try to group small groups as geographically close as possible so they can meet up if they choose.)

    Retreatants will also have access to our private online community during and after the retreat to connect with each other.

  • The online healing retreat includes over 10+ hours of ACOD-focused support and guidance! The registration price includes:

    • Six live, inspiring meditations by experienced ACOD/expert speakers

      • Topics covered: how your parents’ divorce or separation affects your identity and relationship with God; its impact on trust, dating, and marriage; abandonment issues; ways to navigate anger and anxiety; Christian forgiveness; appropriate boundaries with family members; redemptive suffering; gratitude and joy; and more.

      • Recorded playbacks for 3 months. If you miss a session, or want to go back to the presentations at your own pace, you can.

    • Small group sessions led by trained ACOD peer leaders

      • We group together people from the same geographical area and/or life situation (e.g., college student / married / religious) as much as possible

      • Attending with a friend, sibling, or past LGW alumni? You can be in the same group, just note that on your individual registration forms!

    • SpeakerQ&A with the founders of Life-Giving Wounds, Dr. Daniel and Bethany Meola, and some of the retreat speakers on Wednesday of week 6.

    • *NEW THIS YEAR: On Thursday of week 6, a bonus, eighth session of a visio divina prayerful reflection of our specially-commissioned sacred art by the artist, Michael Corsini

    • Retreat materials: Every attendee will receive a professionally-printed, beautifully-designed Retreat Guide (2nd edition)and Life-Giving Wounds Journal, along with one of our prayer cards and a fun Life-Giving Wounds sticker. The Retreat Guide and Journal are ideal for continuing prayerful reflection long after the retreat.

      • Note: international attendees will receive a digital download of the Retreat Guide, but no printed materials.

  • The cost of the retreat is $245 for adults ages 26+ and $155 for adults ages 18-25.

    The pricing for our international attendees - no shipped materials - is $185.

    Yes, scholarships are available. Please see the scholarship form link below to fill out an application. We don't want anyone to not come simply because of financial reasons.

But wait, there’s more!

The retreat also includes:

  • Journaling prompts for each session, to go deeper in between the sessions

  • Live music at various times by musician Michael Corsini

  • Unique prayer guides and prompts for Scriptural meditation, examination of conscience for ACODs, etc.

  • All retreatants will receive entry to our exclusive and private LGW online community (in our own, confidential Mighty Networks account) to facilitate interactions with other attendees during the retreat, submit prayer intentions, and provide a space for ongoing connection and formation long afterwards

  • A free, fun giveaway contest of Dr. Daniel and Bethany Meola’s new book Life-Giving Wounds: A Catholic Guide to Healing Adult Children of Divorce or Separation

Spread the news!

Here is a flyer you can hang or email to friends or family. Please help us get the word out about this year’s online retreat!


Early bird pricing through September 23 is $200 for adults ages 26+ or $110 for adults ages 18-25.

Regular pricing is $245 for adults ages 26+ or $155 for adults ages 18-25.

The pricing for our international attendees - no shipped materials - is $185.

As mentioned above, this price includes over 10+ hours of targeted support for ACODs, print materials valued at $55, and post-retreat opportunities for support and connection via our online community. A pretty great deal, if you ask us! :) Plus, you are worth the investment!

*If you are in need of a scholarship, please fill out this online form. We don’t want anyone to not attend solely for financial reasons.*

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The Life-Giving Wounds retreat is for men and women (18+) whose parents are divorced or separated. This includes people whose parents divorced, separated, received a declaration of nullity (annulment), dissolved a cohabitation, or were never married and are no longer together. While these situations have important differences,

    the retreat content speaks to the common wound of losing the love of your parents together

    . The two situations not addressed by the retreat are the loss of a parent through death or being placed for adoption. If you feel like you don’t fit the above groups, but think you would still benefit from the retreat, then

    contact us

    and we can discuss whether it is the right fit for you and your circumstances.

  • We encourage participants to attend as many sessions as possible, in order to get the most out of the retreat. The presentations build upon each other, and the live small group sessions (which are


    recorded) are an important part of the retreat. However, we understand that schedules and responsibilities may make it difficult to attend all of the sessions. The presentations will be

    recorded and available to participants for three months

    . This will also allow participants to re-watch and digest the presentations a second time if they desire to do so.

  • Absolutely! Attending the retreat can be helpful at multiple points on a person’s healing journey as the material may be processed differently than last time as new things hit you or new presenters offer different information. Past participants are therefore always welcome to attend!

  • Amanda said: “This is an incredibly well-done retreat. The content and flow is laid out beautifully and taps into the psychological aspects while tying specifically back to our Catholic faith. It is incredibly refreshing to connect with other Catholics that share a similar experience.”

    Zachary said: “This retreat showed me I was not alone in the pain divorce caused, it was okay to talk about, others had some of the same experiences and it was good to examine these wounds again in more depth with God.”

    Maria said: “The Life-Giving Wounds virtual retreat was incredible! I felt vulnerable but also empowered in unpacking the hurts and wounds of my parents’ divorce alongside others. All of the talks and journaling were so steeped in the beauty of the Catholic faith and the healing that Jesus has for me.”

  • No, the Life-Giving Wounds retreat is not professional therapy or psychological counseling led by a licensed counselor or psychologist. Instead, on our retreats, we provide trained, peer-based leaders who offer spiritual and practical guidance, advice, support, and community, grounded in virtue. Our ministry integrates sound psychological principles and complements professional therapy. We highly encourage professional therapy as an aid to ongoing healing, and we are proud to work closely with many psychologists and counselors who both advise us in our ministry and help out in other various capacities, such as offering presentations on retreats.

    For a resource about seeking therapy, please see our blog article “Seeking Therapy as an Adult Child of Divorce”.

  • All of your items, including add-on’s, will be shipped within 3 to 4 business days vis-a-vis UPS using UPS 3-to-4 day shipping from our warehouse and fulfillment center in Saint Louis, but in many cases they get to the person in 1 or 2 business days, depending on the location.

    If you purchase your online retreat pass after September 23, then items will be shipped the next business day of when you place your order. They will be shipped using UPS 3-to-4 day shipping. Please plan accordingly so you can get your materials on time for the start of the retreat.

  • Yes. If you are in financial need, then we have scholarships available. We don’t want anyone to


    attend simply for financial reasons. Please fill out

    this online form

    to request a scholarship.

    • Up until September 22, you may request a partial refund (partial = registration price minus $55 for materials + S&H)

    • September 23 and after, no refunds issued

    • No refunds for shipped items unless items are damaged