You Walk Towards Me
He walks away
And my world falls apart.
He gives up, lays down his cross,
And it sits heavy on my shoulders.
He breaks his promise,
And the earth beneath me;
Shatters and gives way,
Pulling me down into darkness.
He finds a new family, a new life
And all seems lost.
I see what I was meant to have,
And it is ripped from my hands.
It only remains in the shadows,
A memory flickering on the edges of my mind.
The mountains have left their places.
The hills are shaken.
There is no one left to trust.
I am rejected and alone.
Darkness pulls me in,
And I do all I can…I survive.
I crawl in darkness,
But echoes of the Light
Pulse and glow,
Deeper than the dark.
The echoes whisper promises
Of joy, peace, love, wholeness.
Another whispers back:
Can they be trusted?
Or will they leave too?
Will I be left in darkness
Deeper than before?
I search for more
But all I find falls short.
When the Light breaks through,
I reach, I grasp, I hope again.
But again, the fear takes hold.
I try to shove the echoes down,
Too afraid to listen,
Too terrified to say them out loud.
I end in shame,
Shame over wanting what I think I cannot have,
What I long to experience,
But what might not exist at all.
Just when the darkness seems to win,
When I gasp for breath,
My heart pounding, fire coursing through my veins,
You come.
One Word, whispered into the dark,
A memory,
A promise,
One Word:
Dawn breaks,
Darkness loses power
As gentle light takes hold.
It takes time, is taking time, agonizing time,
But You are patient, gentle, tender.
Day after day, You remain,
And slowly I begin to trust again.
I grow impatient,
You are steady and sure.
You are not afraid
Of my anger and accusations.
You do not run when it is hard.
You stay, You listen, You hear me.
You open my eyes,
And I see what I have always wanted.
Feel the courage to claim it and desire it.
You walk towards me.
And You hold my heart in pieces in Your hands.
You pick up Your Cross,
And take my burdens on Your shoulders.
You sacrifice Yourself for me.
You promise and it comes to pass,
Never failing, always faithful.
You call me Your child
And bring me into Your family.
Your Love never leaves,
Your covenant, Your promise of Peace
Reigns strong and true and eternal.
I am safe.
I am chosen.
I am loved.
I am home.
Scripture verses that inspired my poem:
“Then Jesus told his disciples, ‘If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.’ ”
“Though the mountains leave their places and the hills be shaken, my love shall never leave you, says the LORD, nor my covenant of peace forsake you.”
“Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world; he who follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.””
About the Author:
Stephanie is a wife and mother of 3 boys. She and her family live in PA. Her husband works for their local parish and she homeschools their boys. According to her eight year old, she enjoys reading, napping and watching The Chosen.
Reflection Questions for Small Groups or Individuals
How does this poem speak to you?
What other scripture verses come to mind based on Stephanie's poem?