Life-Giving Wounds Blog
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Our blog annually releases 30+ posts. We already feature 170+ posts from 60+ authors, who are adult children of divorce themselves, experts in psychology or healing, or both, writing from the Catholic perspective as an expression of their journey of faith and healing. We invite you to browse our library or, if you’re looking for something specific, hop over to our index page where you can find a complete list of categories, tags, and authors. The index also has a search function and a complete list of blog posts arranged chronologically.
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Holy Matrimony as a Sacrament of Healing
For those not married who believe they are called to marriage, you may know quite well the brokenness that keeps you in patterns that delay your readiness for the type of relationship that would lead into marriage. In whichever category you find yourself, I submit that marriage has the potential to offer you significant healing. For those who are married, when your marriage becomes difficult, and it will, the key is to turn toward – not from – your spouse. The more you turn toward your spouse, with Christ, the more healing you will find. This is because holy matrimony is a sacrament that heals, and it heals through the communion and sacrificial suffering modeled after Christ’s own sacrificial suffering to restore communion between us and God.
The Good Divorce vs. The Great Divorce
Trevor Jimenez’s animated short "Weekends" is a striking narrative that conveys the trauma of parental divorce in such imagery. The autobiographical film tells the story of a young boy spending weekdays with his mother and weekends with his father. Although the boy seems fine on the outside, his inner turmoil is exposed through a series of dreams and struggles.
"The Soul of Shame" in my life: A book review & testimony
"The Soul of Shame: Retelling the Stories We Believe About Ourselves," by Curt Thompson, has been an important part of my healing journey. I picked up the book on the recommendation of a friend and a deep desire to dig into the pain of shame that was touching every part of my life. My heart was sore. I was on the path of recovery from habitual sin that had infiltrated my life for half a decade.
Doing Things Well: Work and Identity as an ACOD
"Work is for man, not man for work. Everyone should be able to draw from work the means of providing for his life and that of his family, and of serving the human community” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, no. 2428)