Life-Giving Wounds Blog

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Our blog annually releases 30+ posts. We already feature 170+ posts from 60+ authors, who are adult children of divorce themselves, experts in psychology or healing, or both, writing from the Catholic perspective as an expression of their journey of faith and healing. We invite you to browse our library or, if you’re looking for something specific, hop over to our index page where you can find a complete list of categories, tags, and authors. The index also has a search function and a complete list of blog posts arranged chronologically.

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Psychology Ava Rosier Psychology Ava Rosier

Attachment Styles and the Psalms for ACODs

If you find that you do not fit under the category of a secure attachment, know that hope abounds — attachment styles can change! Through engaging in nurturing relationships with close friends or a spouse — and especially our Lord — you can become more secure in your attachments.

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Poetry Elizabeth Therese Poetry Elizabeth Therese

Whose Voice?

This poem is the fruit of that time of prayer in which God showed me how many voices I allow to control my life, my thoughts and perceptions of reality. And even more so, He showed me how I have a real choice as to what voice I choose to follow in my life.

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Psychology, Review Cafea Fruor Psychology, Review Cafea Fruor

Overcoming Childhood Emotional Neglect (or the Real Hope Jamie Could’ve Had)

To give you a picture of what [childhood emotional neglect] might look like in real life, here’s my own CEN story: My mom (your mother is usually your primary attachment figure) has had schizoaffective disorder since I was about six years old. She was too deep in her own mental and emotional roller-coaster to be a stable presence.

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First-Person, Healing Journey Morgan McGinn First-Person, Healing Journey Morgan McGinn

Mary's Response When We Ask, "Why, Lord?"

 Ironically, “why” is the one question the Lord has never promised to answer. Even his own mother asks him why and he doesn’t answer her. Well, he does answer her, but not in the way she was probably hoping for. He says, “How is it that you sought me? Did you not know that I must be in my Father’s house?” He responds to her question with a question. What could Jesus possibly be teaching us?

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Healing Journey Sandra Howlett Healing Journey Sandra Howlett

Grief, Identity, and Security

Grieving our lost identities in childhood and in our everyday lives can help us heal. At the same time if we recognize our need for security in our obsessive search for self, and realize that God is the only true source of security and steadfast love, then we will know who we are.

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Healing Journey, First-Person Sandra Howlett Healing Journey, First-Person Sandra Howlett

The Challenge and Gift of Surrendering Everything to God

I have comforted myself before in prayer and allowed Jesus to touch my wounds by wrapping my arms around myself as if they were his. I imagine him holding me while I rest my head on his chest. Today I lift my hands like a child and later cradle my cheek in the palm of my hand imagining it is his cheek against mine. It seems silly, but alone in my room I feel comforted.

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Advice, Relationship Advice Bethany Meola Advice, Relationship Advice Bethany Meola

When Your Parents Divorce, It Sticks with You

The Catechism says that “divorce brings grave harm . . . to children traumatized by the separation of their parents and often torn between them” (2385). Traumatized is not a word to employ lightly, and its usage indicates the Church’s acknowledgment that divorce has deep and long-lasting effects on children that deserve attention and healing.

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First-Person, Stories of Healing Magda Rosario First-Person, Stories of Healing Magda Rosario

On Forgiveness and Communion version of “forgiveness” was simple: never let anyone get close enough to hurt me. But the Lord broke through my defenses and gradually brought me back to Him through a reversion to the Catholic faith. ... When I first attended the Life-Giving Wounds retreat, my heart overflowed with awe and gratitude as I heard the truth about God’s intention for the love between mother, father, and child.

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Review Cafea Fruor Review Cafea Fruor

Hope Gap and Pseudo-Happy Endings (Movie Review)

The movie Hope Gap recently appeared in my Amazon Prime Video recommendations, with the synopsis being that Edward (Bill Nighy) suddenly announces that he is divorcing Grace (Annette Bening) after almost thirty years. Being a child of divorce, I was quite intrigued to see how the movie approached the matter, so I broke my habit of never paying extra for movies on Amazon to find out.

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Relationship Advice, Advice Art Bennett Relationship Advice, Advice Art Bennett

Sibling to Sibling Challenges and Opportunities for ACODs

One common ACOD challenge is that typical sibling-to-sibling relationship “issues” can be impacted by the family upheaval, and relationships between step-siblings bring fresh challenges, which sometimes can make a bad thing (divorce) worse and can cause even further alienation and discouragement between existing and new family members.

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Poetry Murielle Blanchard Poetry Murielle Blanchard


Being a very proud person, I have struggled a lot, knowing that my husband knows all about my weaknesses and failings—and yet at the same time I have a very deep desire to be totally known and loved. This poem explores this theme, while also touching on the grief of losing our fifth child at 22 weeks last year.

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Poetry John McLain Poetry John McLain


The title is a reference to the old unit of measurement that was roughly the length of a forearm. It expresses how the poorly managed conflict and ultimate breakdown in my parents’ marriage left me avoidant of relationships with others, particularly romantic ones. Even as I met amazing individuals who were attractive on so many levels, I kept them at a distance out of fear and shame...

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Poetry Stephanie Gulya Poetry Stephanie Gulya

Holy Home

I am here to tell you some amazingly good news! Jesus said in the Gospel of John, “I will not leave you orphans. I will come to you” (Jn 14:18). God, in His infinite wisdom, knows fully the hearts and minds of all His children. He would never write a desire into our hearts without also providing for its fulfillment!

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Review Hope Patrick Review Hope Patrick

“This is Divorce” - A Take On Divorce And The Wounds It Can Present Through The Lens of The Emmy-Awarded Show “This is Us”

The Emmy Award-winning show This is Us recently completed its sixth and final season. This show has done a terrific, oftentimes emotional job displaying life, family struggles, and moving on after great hardships in a family. I am often so touched at how the show navigates the rawness of grief in such a palpable way.

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Review Sandra Howlett Review Sandra Howlett

Book Review: "Interior Freedom" by Fr. Jacques Philippe

Jacques Philippe’s Interior Freedom is a small, simple, easy-to-read book that, like his other works, packs a powerful spiritual punch. Through this book he teaches us how to overcome our daily struggles. He examines our weaknesses from many angles, like the facets of a diamond, and shows us how our fears and rebellion against reality keep us from being truly happy.

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Overcoming Pornography Addiction as an ACOD: Part Two

Porn and masturbation were supposed to be behind me. They were things from the past, when I had been a foolish teenager. Now I was a faithful Catholic studying theology on scholarship. What would people think? It's one thing to disclose a past addiction to those you love. It's another to return to admit that the past isn't even past.

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